So, I've been feeling down over the last week or two. Sales in my shop have been a fabled thing of the past, and moving into a new apartment has proven to be a bit of a strain on the ol' manatee (that's me!). In the past, when I felt sad or downtrodden, I would wallow in it and turn into a sad lump. Lately, however, I took a new approach to my setbacks and tried to cheer others up. I did my very best to compliment every person I could, smile at people on the street, and help every person I could. Even if it never came back to me, being positive felt better, and it felt like I was getting somewhere even when maybe I wasn't. Just last week, I helped an elderly lady get her bags into her car, even though I was in a hurry to get home because I was super-thirsty. After helping her, she randomly offered me a juicebox from her groceries and it was really delicious and completely quenched my thirst until I got home. Helping her actually improved my mood, as well as how I felt physically.
Anyway, this morning I woke up and got notification that I have been featured in a blog! This is my very first blog feature, and it's SO WELL DONE! You can check it out
* * *HERE!* * * When I saw my lovely feature, I really felt things were looking up and my day couldn't get any better...
Then I got another notification that I got featured in a treasury! And it's my very first spot in a treasury, too! (For anyone who may not be on Etsy, a treasury is a sort of showcase of an Etsy member's chosen items that fit into a certain theme). You can check it out
* * *HERE!* * * The link will only work until Wednesday afternoon.
So, do I think that being more positive and helpful to others for the last couple of weeks made these things happen? Honestly, I'm not that superstitious. If I am nice to others, it's gotta be because I want to be and not because I think I'm going to get something out of it. But getting nice surprises like I did today feels nicer when I know that I deserve it. :)