Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Second Chance Thread

I found this topic in the forums on etsy where sellers are participating in a sort of support effort that is rewarded by publicity, sales and making friends. I joined tonight (a couple of hours ago) and you can find me on the 'list' as missmanatee. I strongly recommend this to sellers especially as a way to boost sales and get your name out there. Here's the link, where it goes into more detail so you'll know what I'm talking about:


I'll update soon to let you know how it goes! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now...

Also, if you have done this before in the past, please let me know if it worked for you. :D


  1. It sounds interesting...

    Congratulations! you´ve been awarded!!! check it out

  2. Ha ha. Didn't realize you were manatee until I read this post. I've only made three sales on the BNS thus far but, most other sellers have more and, I love chatting with everyone so I don't mind. Glad you joined!

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Comment Monster love comments! Me hungry! Nom nom nom...